
“We will help you live until the last moments of your life.
You are not alone.”

We offer hospice services to both in-home patients and to residents of assisted living and nursing homes throughout Curry County, Oregon. By bringing hospice care to you, you are able to comfortably remain in the environment of your choice, closer to friends and family.

You will receive excellent care from our highly skilled staff of nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, and our end-of-life doula. Patients can also opt to receive services from our spiritual care coordinator if they wish.

Our goal is to help you live out your remaining days in as much comfort, dignity, and peace as possible. We manage your day-to-day healthcare needs so that you can spend your time and energy doing the things that are most meaningful to you with the people you love and care about. 

We believe that hospice should always look to the needs of the whole person: not just the physical and medical, but also the emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs of the patient and their loved ones. That is why, in addition to skilled nursing, our hospice services also include spiritual care services, end-of-life doula services, grief support groups, pet peace of mind services, and support for family members for 13 months after the passing of a loved one.


 Not sure if hospice is right for you? We made a guide that shows you 12 signs to watch for. Click the button below to download your copy today!

Goals and Benefits of Hospice Care

Peace of Mind

Our staff eases you and your loved ones’ anxiety by being available on-call 24 hours a day. We also take the time to educate you and your family on what to expect as illness progresses.

Expert Care

Our hospice care services address not just your physical needs, but also your unique emotional, social, and spiritual needs in order to provide the best possible quality of life for you or your loved one. We are able to provide such support by utilizing the service of a diverse team of professionals who are able to address all aspects of your needs. Our team consists of physicians, nurses, social workers, spiritual support counselors, an end-of-life doula, health care aides, and a network of caring volunteers. Each member of our team is trained to provide comforting end-of-life care.

Regular Visits

The treatment team at Coastal Home Health and Hospice will work with you to determine a visitation schedule that best meets your needs. The team is available to patients and their families 24/7 by calling (541) 469-0405, and we come right to your home or care facility.

Care Right Where You Live

Our patients are able to continue living in their own home, the home of one of their loved one, or their assisted living facility or nursing home facility.

Personal Support Based On Your Wishes

Another goal of hospice care from Coastal Home Health and Hospice is to focus on your individual needs and choices, providing everything from companionship, to spiritual support, to a favorite food. Hospice enables you and your family to spend quality time together, focusing on what matters most to you.

Support For You And Your Family Members During And After A Terminal Illness

Hospice benefits families by giving them all the help they need to handle with this difficult time. We also offer bereavement group sessions and are available to help families complete some of the tasks that are necessary after death.

Supporting Your Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Health

Recovering from illness, or even adapting to “new normals” due to injury or disability, can be difficult for both patients and their families to cope with. That is why we have several Medical Social Workers on staff, in addition to our Spiritual Care Coordinator and our Community Advocate. In addition to providing short-term counseling, we can help you with advice about resource planning and long-term care arrangements, if needed, for you, your family members, and even your pets!

If you have questions or would like to speak with one of our professional and compassionate intake coordinators about how Coastal Home health and hospice may be the right choice for you or your loved one, please call (541) 469-0405 today. 

Hospice FAQ’s

Question: What is hospice care?

Answer: Hospice Care focuses on chronically, terminally, or seriously ill patients with the goal of helping them remain as comfortable as possible during the final stages of life. Hospice neither hastens nor postpones death. The goal is to provide quality pain and symptoms management so that each remaining day is as rich as possible. In addition to caring for their health needs, hospice also caters to their emotional and spiritual needs, if the patient so desires.

When the focus of medical care changes from cure to comfort, we are the people that help your life with a life-limiting illness. It is our job to alleviate symptoms as much as possible, and to give emotional and spiritual support.

Hospice care is for those who choose to seek care aimed at providing comfort and ensuring dignity when a cure is no longer possible. Our goal is to help you live your life to the fullest, in familiar surroundings, with the ones you love so that you can die in comfort, at peace, and in control of your care.

Question:  Who pays for hospice care?

Answer: Hospice Care treatment is a benefit of:

·         Medicare 

·         Medicaid, and the

·         Department of Veterans’s Affairs (VA)

Most commercial insurance plans also cover hospice with applicable co-pays and deductibles. Coastal Home Health and Hospice’s helpful staff will assist patients and their families in understanding and securing eligible coverage and care options. Please call us today with any questions you may have about your loved one’s hospice care coverage.

Question:  Do I need a referral?

Answer: Patients can be referred for Hospice Care by themselves, a loved one, or a healthcare provider.

Signing up for services from Coastal Home Health and Hospice services is easy. Just complete our online contact form or call us at (541) 469-0405.

If you are a healthcare provider seeking more information on hospice, or if you would like to discuss a specific patient’s needs and/or hospice eligibility, please call us at the number above.

Question:  Isn’t hospice only for the last few days/weeks of life?

Answer: Hospice care is for people in the last stages of life, not just for people who are on the verge of death. To be eligible for hospice services, a patient must have a prognosis of six months or less to live. However, it is much better to begin hospice services as early as possible, rather than to wait so long that the patient and family cannot fully benefit from the services available.

Question: What happens if I start receiving hospice care and then live longer than 6 months?

Answer: Don’t worry- you will never be kicked off of hospice care. As long as the patient’s prognosis doesn’t change and their health continues to decline, however slowly, hospice services will continue. There are no penalties if a patient lives longer than 6 months.

Question: Is hospice only for people who have cancer?

Answer: While the hospice movement began by serving people with cancer who wanted to be able to transition peacefully in their own homes, it is no longer exclusively for cancer patients. Now over 55% of our patients do not have cancer, but instead have other life-limiting conditions such as heart disease, lung diseases, dementia, or “debility,” which is simply old age.

Question: Can I still see my own doctor if I’m on hospice?

Answer: Absolutely yes! Patients receiving hospice services continue to be cared for by their own doctor. Hospice coordinates care with the primary physician who continues to follow the patient.

Question: Does hospice hasten death?

Answer: Some people think that patients receiving hospice services die sooner than they would otherwise. This is simply not true. Hospice does nothing to hasten a person’s death or artificially prolong their life. In fact, a recent study showed that, for many patients, hospice care actually helped people to live longer than patients who did not receive hospice care.

Question: Does receiving hospice care mean that I have “given up”?

Answer: When a patient is in hospice, the goal is no longer about finding a “cure,” but instead the goal becomes to help the patient to fully live, while experiencing as little pain or other symptoms of disease as possible, for their remaining time available. The hope changes from finding a possible cure to working to create the most peaceful death possible- whatever that means to each individual patient.