Quick Connections

Life is busier than ever, but so is the need for human connection. Between working, checking in on our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and email, watching the news, feeding the dog, and all the other mundane everyday tasks, it can be really easy to stay very siloed and disconnected.

Just about everyone else in your life is feeling this disconnection too, to one degree or another. But all it takes to reconnect is a little intention and a little bit of time.

Here are some quick ideas that take no more than 5-10 minutes to do, but can make a huge impact on someone’s day:

  • Send a card. It’s not often that we receive handwritten cards nowadays, but every time we do, it makes us feel really special. Don’t have any fancy cards to send? That’s ok! fold a piece of paper in half, and then in half the other way, and viola! You have a greeting card! The “cover” can be as simple as a stick figure waving hello, or “Hi!” written in big letters (extra points if you color them in with a fun pattern!). Then, just write a few sentences on the inside, and drop it off in the mail.

  • No cards? Send an email! While they aren’t quite as special feeling as something sent via snail mail, emails are still a great way to reach out and say hello. If you can’t think of much to say, just tell the recipient that you were thinking of them, ask a question or two, say “Tag, you’re it!” then press “Send.” The conversation will start flowing from there!

  • Tiny gifts. Go on a walk and look for a beautiful gift to share from nature. Perhaps it is a gorgeous leaf in the fall, or a tiny flower in the spring. Maybe it is a heart-shaped rock. Maybe you were just able to capture a beautiful photograph with your phone. Whatever you find, bring that little gift to someone special. You can even invite them to go on a walk with you next time to find some treasures together!

  • Memories. Think of one of your favorite memories. Who was with you? Call them and reminisce together!

  • Connect with someone new. This one may take a little longer than 10 minutes, but maybe you need something a little deeper than just a quick connection in your life. Sometimes we feel a bit lonely because we just aren’t connected with enough people in the first place! Perhaps it is time to go meet someone new? Find a class, club, or charity organization (like the Elks or Rotary, for instance), and commit to going for at least a few weeks. If you just go one time, you might feel so uncomfortable from being the “new kid” that you decide not to go back. Don’t give yourself this excuse! Everyone feels odd at first, so make sure you decide to go long enough that you can get past the discomfort. Better yet, invite one of your current friends or your neighbor to go with you.

What are your favorite ways to keep your relationships fresh and strong? Share with us in the comments!


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